Law firms, accounting firms and other professional service providers are one of the busiest businesses that process numerous documents of varied types in day to day operation. Standardizing and systematizing document management are a much desired resort to smooth documentation flow, improve collaboration and deliver better client services in the competitive market. Intelligent data capture can help the fast-paced professional service firms to minimize costly and error-prone manual work of digital and format conversion, filing, and retrieval.

VitalDoc and VitalFlow
With VitalDoc and VitalFlow adopted in professional service firms, documents from various sources and formats are properly captured into a single shared document management platform with comprehensive access control and valuable extracted data that is ready for easier analysis, investigation and decision-making. Members of teams from providing regular services to working on big cases can be released from the hassles of nonstop asking, copying, forwarding and waiting for the relevant documents, in return focusing more on in-depth collaboration and delivering quicker and better services to the clients.

Court Case Documents
Charges, appeals, disputes, investigations and various court cases involve official documents such as pleadings, petitions, counterclaims, and evidence, all requiring the most professional handling. VitalDoc processes them with comprehensive data indexing and extraction and enables the most efficient case handling with streamlined built-in case management folders.
General Documents
Seamlessly integrated with Microsoft Outlook and Office 365, VitalDoc processes and indexes incoming application forms, referrals, contracts, agreements, correspondence, etc. with unique email and conversation IDs and classifies them by client or service scope, e.g. mortgaging, bankruptcy, conveyance or tax, enabling fast document searching and retrieval.
Supporting Documents in Image Form
Invoices, forms, letters and numerous other supporting documents in image file form come in every day, from different clients, for different cases. VitalDoc and VitalFlow turn them back into text-searchable files for efficient case investigations with pre-defined rules and optical character recognition (OCR), at the same time minimizing manual conversion and filing work.

Repository with Data Compliance
Market-proven VitalDoc empowers documentation with promising enterprise-grade system security, providing user access control from folder to file level with AES 256-bit encryption for data at rest. It enables staff of specified roles to retrieve documents by index, content, keyword and more through smart searching tools and provides a secure document viewer for extra confidentiality.
Check out our customers fulfilling their operational needs with VITOVA's industry-driven data management solutions.

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100 Cyberport Road
Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2503 8000
Fax: (852) 2503 8404